Technologically Superior Inferior

You ever have days when technology treats you as the weak new fish in a bad prison movie? I bought a new computer last week from Dell, and am absolutely loving it. I’ve had the same computer, a Chinese-made Hasee laptop, since trading in my savings to move to Australia for it back in ’05. …

Carrefour-3-2-1 – Protest!

So, the fateful day has arrived – the day when Carrefour unleashes its anti-China, pride-taking, I-fart-in-your-general-direction May Holiday sale on the masses of Chinese willing to sell out their nation in order to save a few jiao. The sale, of course, is backed by French members of the Eight-Nation Alliance, who were frozen more than …


So, spring is in the air in lovely Suzhou. Yes – our two weeks of paradise have arrived, and just in time for the droves of tourists looking to capture a picture of the city’s tranquil gardens (which are overflowing with tourists looking to capture a picture of the city’s tranquil gardens). Spring always stirs …

The subtle speed of change in China

There’s nothing new about saying “China’s changing”. What isn’t changing? Life changes. There’s nothing new about saying “China’s changing fast”. Every Sinophile for the last 25 years has been saying that, and they’re right. But what gets me is that I’ve got this front-row seat to it all. And frankly, it’s a bit exciting. Now, …

<3 Grace Wang

Alright, normally I would tackle Chinese current events commentary over at Lost Laowai, but as I just wrote a post there on the stupidity of the Carrefour boycott, I figured I’d spread the as it were. It seems I’ve had nothing to say lately but for commenting on the waves of stupidity surging higher and …

Feed Update: Feedburner is dead…

Right, so Feedburner actually died a long time ago, but it wasn’t until I got around to upgrading WordPress to the shiny new WordPress 2.5 the other day that I realized I really needed to finally bury the sucker and switch back to in-house feeds. Now, allegedly Feedburner will be redirecting everyone to the original …

Why jocks shouldn’t write politics or culture

Alright, I’ve shared my criticisms of Beijing getting the Olympics and how they have grossly failed to meet the standards to which they agreed upon when first winning the bid, but holy fuck, please tell me America that this this Bible-dribbling, fact-passing, jock-itch of a moron isn’t speaking for the rest of you. From his …

George W Bush Sewage Plant

Presidential memorials are something essential to a nation that has fathered some of the most influential leaders the world has ever known. In this small way we are able to remember them and the value they added to our great globe during their term in office. On that note, some rather fantastic news from the …

Frozen Improv in Shanghai

Alright, this is way late, but was just too cool not to mention. About a month ago in Shanghai a group inspired by Improv Everywhere created a “scene” in front of the Sofitel on Shanghai’s Nanjing Rd. At a set time the group of random folks from a number of nationalities stopped and froze in …

Panda Meat Consultant

Well, the cat’s out of the bag. Professor Lonnie B. Hodge, a dear “friend” of mine has outed me and my matchmaker ambitions on his blog. As he’s helping me get my new Bag A Canuck!™ e-book business off the ground, I figured I should return the favour and officially announce his latest endeavor – …

New Dog, New Tricks

It’s been a while since I’ve given an update on the puppy, and what better way then to show you all how cute and clever she is. Addie’s now 3.5 months old, and is growing faster than tension on the [*tib*] plateau. She’s still got another two weeks before her rabies shot and license, so …