The Humanaught v3 Has Arrived

My eyes are cooked, my ass is numb, my fingers are cramped… the redesign is done! For anyone not reading this in their RSS feed reader or on a splog, the changes should be pretty apparent. But I’m going to run through some of them anyway 🙂 First, I should mention, I’m not a big …

Damn The Censors!

Anyone that reads this blog often enough knows that I’ve no love for censorship. I down-right loath it. Freedom of speech is the apex of [*hr*]. There is not a situation I can think of whereby I feel a person should have their ability to speak on any topic they desire taken away from them. …

Dao By Design

So, yesterday I entered my fourth decade on this watery rock. I’m officially 30. The Big Three-Oh (My-God). Meh. I had a friend ask if I was freaking out about it at all, and really, I’m not even a little. You hear about it, they make Hallmark cards for it, people generally fuss over it. …

Announcing: Your China Pal

Hey all, I’m way behind in this announcing stuff, but wanted to wait until we had really got things going before plugging my newest venture on here. A friend of mine here in Suzhou and I have created this business as a way for foreigners visiting China to have access to an English-speaking local Chinese …

Back From Dalian

Well, I’ve returned from the savage lands north east of the wall, and despite my inlaws doing their very best to stuff me to the point of explosion, I survived. I’m going to say this once, to be clear about things… NEVER TAKE THE FUCKING BUS IN CHINA. As I mentioned post-previously (c’mon, that’s kinda …

How to add a cool pinyin mouseover tooltip for WordPress

Alright, this post is admittedly narrow in the scope of people that might find it interesting, but with all the new in-China blogs starting up, I figured I’d throw a little help their way. Mind you, this is particularly for blogs that use WordPress. The desired result: Take a Chinese sentence, 这个博客真厉害!, and cause it …

Wedding Photo Gallery Update

I’ve had a bit of feedback regarding the Wedding Photo Gallery, and it appears that photos aren’t loading properly for some people. I’m not entirely sure if this is a Flash issue or what, but it’s prompted me to finally test out Google’s Picasa Web Albums. Check out that link if you’ve been having problems …

Jesus is Not Like Buddha

There are few things I hate more than evangelism. In fact, I would go so far as to say that much of the horrors of the world were brought on by evangelists. People feeling they are divinely propelled to ‘sell’ their ideas to save people from damnation. It kept Africans slaves (for the betterment of …

Commie Copies Clutter Canada

I never said I wasn't a sucker for illiterations. So, with wedding looming, it's a bit ridiculous to think that the topic of babies and such hasn't been breached with Maggie, rather 'by' Maggie. Chinese get married to have babies, ah, a baby. Just ask any mother in law. Actually, you won't need to, as …

The Postie With The Mostie

Alright folks, thanks for all your awesome feedback on the Full Disclosure post. I've weighed what everyone has said about this idea, and also read up on a few things on the PayPerPost site. Though the concept seems to have a few growing pains they're working out, I like the potential it holds. So, for …

We’ve Got A Blogspot Down!

An in-China Internet user’s relationship with the Chinese powers that be is a precarious one at best. Really, using the Internet here is a bit like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet. You go one week and they’ve got that great seafood salad, but when you return the following week, the salad’s gone… oh! But they’ve …