Road To Wedlock Part II: Barely Legal

Gawd, the amount of misplaced search engine traffic I’m going to get from that… So, it’s done. I’m – in the eyes of the People’s Republic of China – married. And here’s the kicker: how many people do you know showed up for their marriage unshowered, unshaved and not having brushed their teeth? Well, to …

Cross Your Fingers and Hope To Fly

Ok, it’s a minute before midnight and I need to be up at 5am to catch a bus to Nanjing – so this needs to be short. Mags and I are off to Nanjing tomorrow to catch a plane to Dalian. Monday morning we head down to Dalian’s marriage licensing office and hopefully settle all …

Road To Wedlock Part I: I Swear I’m Not Married

Alright, I've started a new category here at Adventures of the Humanaught. The Road to Wedlock category will chronicle my journey towards marriage, in hopes that it might help any other poor saps looking for information on this rather complicated process. This category should cover the gambit from first kisses to "我愿意s"… So, I just …

Commie Copies Clutter Canada

I never said I wasn't a sucker for illiterations. So, with wedding looming, it's a bit ridiculous to think that the topic of babies and such hasn't been breached with Maggie, rather 'by' Maggie. Chinese get married to have babies, ah, a baby. Just ask any mother in law. Actually, you won't need to, as …

Impossible Potential

Well, the ChELB is abuzz with positiveness, and I feel like a dick for not adding to it. It's no secret that a lot of my conversations (online and off) are rather negative to this, my host country. After reading two excellent posts (Positive Solutions' "10 Reasons Why Living In China Is Great" and The …

Joining the Economixer

Alright, when it comes to economics (and a rather large handful of other things), I'm a complete idiot. Aside from some high school accounting classes, basic current awareness classes in college and a general understanding of the world, I've really not the first clue of the differences between Hong Kong and the place where I …

Clean Bill Of Health

Well folks, she's going to make it. Maggie went in for her 10-day follow-up test to be sure she was all ok, and no problems. Everything is back to normal. Now, I understand we often can't choose when these crazy medical emergencies happen, but honestly, what winds of fate have it in for me? Upon …

Happy Birthday Sis

Hey, so the other day was my sister's birthday – and between trying to call her and wish her such, and make her a little present (more on that in a minute), I neglected posting it on here. When I finally did get in touch with her via e-mail for her new phone number she …

Crisis In Suzhou: Released!

She's HOME! I meant to post last night, but after another day of failing to get Maggie out of the damn hospital, I just didn't have the energy for it. Also, with my last post being a bit biting, and my most recent LLW post being down right venomous, I figured perhaps my thoughts were …

Crisis In Suzhou: On Standby

I hate waiting. Hate it. Hate it nearly as much as I hate Chinese hospitals. So, waiting in a Chinese hospital – you might imagine – is one of my least favorite things to waste my hours on (and I waste a lot of hours). So, I'm back at home, and Maggie's still not here. …

Crisis In Suzhou: Downgrading To Yellow

Well, I think we're almost out of the woods folks. Though still not tip-top, Maggie's back to her energetic self and eager to get out of the damn hospital. With Day Four behind us now, we're hoping that the doctor will allow her to come home tomorrow. These last few days have blurred together like …