Ok, sometimes I just don’t know where the blog post titles come from.
Last night a few of us met down by Olympic Square for some BBQ. In the course of stuffing ourselves full of meat and beer, Rick, the man behind Panda Passport, mentioned a site called YouTube.com. I sort of yaya’d it at the time, but today I got a chance to check it out.
It’s awesome.
Basically it’s a site that allows you to upload videos and share them with the world at large. It’s got a huge collection of just random videos. Here are two that I thought were pretty good:
Japense Police vs. Darth Vader
First it was table tennis, then badminton, now skipping… what’s next, marbles?
For a while now I’ve been tossing the idea around of doing more vBlogging. As uninteresting as the video tour of my apartment was, I just sort of like the idea of presenting some of the stuff here in China in a video format, as it’s got a bit more life to it. Photography and writing are great, don’t get me wrong. There’s lots you can express and convey, but still, some of the things in China need that motion. I recently got turned on to a guy named Ron Sims here in China that’s doing this very thing. Check his site out to get a sense of the potential of vBlogging, or video podcasting (I dig the non-brandenominaltional term more though).
The problem I forsaw was that an average video will be up around 10-15 MB for just a few minutes, and that’s going to kill A) the storage capacity and B) the bandwidth of my server. Enter YouTube. They just let you upload and upload. No problematic size restrictions and complete freedom to link the videos.
Expect more on this soon.