In any given week I usually get 2-3 e-mails from people just arrived or arriving in Suzhou. As one of the longest running blogs with a focus on living in Suzhou, Google gives me some love and I in turn do my best to pass it along. In an effort to provide information about the most common questions I’m asked, and to give myself a dumping ground where I can put random Suzhou information, I’ve done up the creatively titled Suzhou Information page.
It’s something I’ve been intending to put together for a couple years now (as the dead-end link in my header long alluded to), and have only just gotten around to in a fit of procrastination last night.
It also spurred me to whip together the following map of Suzhou’s different districts. I looked around and couldn’t really find anything that simply and quickly laid out where the different districts were. So, there it is. It’s by no means cartographically perfect, but I hope it will give any newcomer the gist of the city’s layout.
Suzhou District Divisions Map