Playing For Change: One Love

My mom sends me LOTS of e-mail forwards. Some are hilarious, some are retarded, and some are just super fantastic. This is the latter. Here’s the song that kicked it all off: Be sure to check out Playing For Change‘s Web site. They’ve got a bunch more episodes.

Friends Baby Together

Our good friends, Ric and Gin, are proud owners of a brand-new 2009 model Laowai Baby, and having just returned from meeting her for the first time, I wanted to take a moment and reflect. The benefit of having two close friends go through everything we’re about to, only six months ahead of us, is …

A baozi in the steamer

I may be a lot of things, but someone who can keep their mouth shut is not one of them. This blog is a testament to the fact that I am completely under-skilled in respecting the sanctity of privacy in my personal life. For years now I’ve blogged the smallest and largest moments of my …