Feeding your dog Optima in China? Stop.

The last two days we’ve been dealing with a bit of a scare. We got a call from our pet shop asking us if we’d seen the news. Optima – the decent-quality, American-made dog food we’ve always fed our pup – was issuing a major recall because contaminants had been found in it. Apparently since …

Addie’s First Birthday

Alright, I never wanted to become one of those people that have a dog and they go on and on about their dog like it was their child. I never did. But I also never expected that such a connection could be formed between myself and a dog. I’ve had lots of pets, including a …

Sexy Bitch

Addie just recently went into heat for the first time (snuck up on us – we were still thinking she was just a puppy). For anyone that’s never had a (ahem) bitch in heat, it can be a bit messy. To combat this we’ve employed a couple pairs of old undies – much to our …

Puppy Power in the PRC

It’s somewhat amazing how quickly a relatively calm and orderly life can be turned into a non-stop “no!” shouting, pee cleaning, slobber and hair covered existence. We got a puppy! Maggie and I have long talked about getting a dog, and in the end always had something looming that prevented us (mostly financial or geographical). …