Titties On The TV

sexontv.jpgRight, so about five seconds ago I freaked out my wife with my titty sensing abilities.

I, as usual, was drinking cheap Chinese cab sav and trying desperately to figure out what I was intending to do here at my computer, and she was watching the TV in the other room.

Now you might imagine Maggie’s thoughts as she was sitting in the living room absentmindedly clicking through kungfu-infused soap operas and happens past a bunch of girls in their undies. She was likely thinking to herself that she’s lucky I’m not there to gawk or pass judgmental opinion on the poor (wall-like) girls while she hurriedly moved the channel forward. That is until I shouted from the other room… “Wait, go back! What the hell was that?”

See, I had heard “You Were Meant For Me” by Jewel coming from the decade old Sony box in the other room and (in a rather queer moment) rushed into the living room to sort out what the hell Jewel was doing on Chinese television.

Fearing I had some supernatural tata detection power, she nervously did as I asked while I slammed down the wine and ran into the other room. Of course it wasn’t Jewel, it wasn’t China finally bringing in MTV (or MuchMusic as we call it in the TNSAF)… no, it was a lengthy shopping network ad selling bras.

For all the conservatism in this country, they love to flaunt their softcore honeys. Keeping in mind that all media is State-censored, it might surprise some that there is so much T&A plastered everywhere.

Anyone that’s visited Xinhua, the State-run news service, knows that the site regularly features copious amounts of near-naked girls. This is echoed in China Daily, and doesn’t stop with the English-language rags.

Now, it should be noted that the official line of those pushing for increased Internet censorship in this country are doing so on a public platform of cutting down the morally degenerate pornography being exposed to China’s youth… but whereas you’ll not find a laundry list of controversial terms in the heavily expurgated Baidu.com, you will quite easily locate a truck-load of pant-tightening pictures when you type in “肉感” to the site’s image search.

To be honest, if forced to choose between, I’m not sure what I’d rather have. I mean, on the path to Nirvana, Tibet and FLG info can only take you so far.

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