My Blog’s Got New Clothes

You may have noticed that the look of things around here are changing faster than China’s landscape. The reason being — I’m reskinnin’ my blog. After nearly a year with the old look, I was a bit tired of it. Bear with me as I get things sorted out and please let me know what …

The First And Last Day of Spring

Alright, it’s been all of five minutes or something since I posted my last entry – but this deserves mention, especially taking into account how much I bitched about the cold. Spring came the other day. It was great. All 24-hours of it. After wearing a coat, hoodie and undershirt last weekend, despite being officially …

The Green Leap Forward

Apparently my little home-away-from-home province of Jiangsu is kickin’ ass in green goals met. Thanks to Jeremiah over at The Duck who led me to this China Dialogue article about Jiangsu province setting a shining example for possibly solutions to China’s massive environmental issues. Jiangsu’s contribution to China’s gross domestic product (GDP) has consistently ranked …

Conversations With 小i

No friends? No problem. John, at Sinosplice, has got an interesting post about a new little Chinese netizen called 小i, China’s first chat bot, who will happily be your chat partner. The little unisex critter offers up some quick responses to nearly anything you ask of it. John references Roddy’s post at, incidentally, a …

Media Machine, Meet Thy Master

Sean’s LLW post, “TV-Condom Nation“, got me thinking about how great living in China can be sometimes. As the only TV I watch is via entire seasons on DVD, I miss out on all the sensationalist news that is piped into most Western homes like so much sewage. I talked a bit about “pull media” …

Dickhead of the Day Award

Some quick facts: 10 people die on British Airways flights each year (I assume this is a statistic that is mirrored in other airlines, and doesn’t have something to do with the food). One such person was a woman flying economy with her daughter from Delhi to London. Planes are small, contained tubes hurtling at …

Titties On The TV

Right, so about five seconds ago I freaked out my wife with my titty sensing abilities. I, as usual, was drinking cheap Chinese cab sav and trying desperately to figure out what I was intending to do here at my computer, and she was watching the TV in the other room. Now you might imagine …

Who’s The Lucky One?

Today is what we call, in some circles, a ‘good day’. Sundays have consistently been my day off for a long time now, and as such they are generally the day I can be found in front of my computer, in my pajamas, drinking my fifth or sixth cup of coffee, unshaven and unshowered at …

How to add a cool pinyin mouseover tooltip for WordPress

Alright, this post is admittedly narrow in the scope of people that might find it interesting, but with all the new in-China blogs starting up, I figured I’d throw a little help their way. Mind you, this is particularly for blogs that use WordPress. The desired result: Take a Chinese sentence, 这个博客真厉害!, and cause it …